On June 14-16th the Creative Metropoles partner city – Barcelona, will be hosting the closing event of the project. Partners from 11 European cities will be discussing the outcomes of 3-years experience exchange, research, study trips that have been targeted to study the policies related to the promotion of the creative industries and the support systems in the partner cities.

Besides the discussion about project outcomes and future implementation of  the knowledge gained, this closing event will include a guided visits to the 22@Barcelona Innovation District, the facilities of Barcelona Activa as well as to some  creative, innovative and international known projects that has its headquarters in Barcelona.

As part of the closing event, the Wednesday 15th, the participants will have the opportunity to attend the BIZBarcelona event (three consolidated annual events which joined forces to have a common setting: Day of the Entrepreneur, HITBarcelona, Emprendedor XXI and Tecnio Forum). One of the activities of the BIZBarcelona is the policy makers track to which high representatives from leading international organisations (International Labour Organization, UNCTAD, European Commission) have been invited to share its vision, strategy, programmes and best practices implemented.

In the framework of the policy makers track, the Creative Metropoles project is organising the round table about creativeness, cities and entrepreneurship. This round table will have as main guidelines for the subsequently debate, the outputs of the project. To this debate, already have confirmed its participation representatives from projects promoted by three of the main sectors involved in the promotion of creative industries and entrepreneurship: the public, private and academic sectors.

Additionally, in the framework of the BIZBarcelona have been planned, among others, more than 50 conferences and workshops and networking activities and the Global Entrepreneurship Competition: a competition of the world’s 25 best business plans to obtain the funding necessary to develop the project.

For registration to the BIZBarcelona (Click here to register).
