Municipal Greenery Unit Katowice in the cooperation with Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia organizes a conference about URBAN GREEN AREAS.

The first conference’s day is focused on the management issues in the urban green areas.  We will discuss about tools for maintaining and financing to develop and create new urban green spaces.

The second conference’s day is mainly dedicated to the outskirts green areas. One of the presentations will highlight the idea of European Federation Natural & Rural, Metropolitan & Periurban Spaces. Moreover the Polish partner of the international Periurban Parks Project (improving living conditions in periurban areas) - within INTERREG IVC programme -will introduce the details of the project.

We kindly invite you to participate in the conference. The admission fee is 500 zlotys. The fee doesn’t include travel costs and accommodation.

Polish-English translation is provided.

Conference Hall:

Community Centre, Pod Lipami Square in Katowice, Giszowiec district

Registration has just started!

Download the Conference Program *

If you want to participate in the conference please contact with:

Municipal Greenery Unit Katowice (
Magdalena Biela - tel. 32 2517751, w. 14;
Lech Marek - tel. 32 2517751 w. 16; email:

* Organizer could change some details in conference program
