Danube Floodrisk Questionnaire on flood mapping

Questionnaire on flood mapping to inform the development of flood risk management options (Part B)

Purpose of the questionnaire

This questionnaire is the second questionnaire organised within the frame of the stakeholder’s consultation activities of the Danube Floodrisk project.

It specifically addresses the flood mapping to identify user’s preferences on the different formats, each designed for various end uses, and to inform the development of flood risk management options.

The first questionnaire was designed to investigate the stakeholder’s perception and information on flood risk methodologies.

In addition, through this questionnaire, information regarding the use of flood risk maps for adopting the most appropriate preventive measures, in line with the EU Floods Directive, is collected.

To ensure a common understanding, the questionnaire uses a standardized terminology, which is explained in the next sections.


‘Flood’ is defined as a temporary covering of land by water, ‘Hazard’ is defined as a physical event, phenomenon or human activity with a certain probability and the potential to result in harm, ‘Risk’ is defined as probability multiplied by the consequence, ’Flood hazard map’ is defined as a map showing the areas that have flooded, could be flooded with an indication of the probability, and if appropriate the water depth and flow velocity, ‘Flood risk map’ is defined as a map showing how risk varies taking into account probability and consequences. ‘Vulnerability’ / ‘consequence’: Likelihood that an individual, group or infrastructure, when exposed to a specific hazard, will be adversely affected by it. ‘Flood cells’ or ‘flood boxes’: is defined as a part of the floodplain that might be inundated in case of floods (in protected floodplains if the defences fail) but where the inundation cannot spread to the adjacent parts of the floodplain.

Link to questionnaire

source: http://www.danube-floodrisk.eu