Local wood chips to heat the hotel in a tourist area


Precise theme tackled by the practice:

Economic advantage using a local energy source

Objectives of the practice:

Dissemination of good practice to use local energy resources, as marketing strategy




Region or District or Metropolitan Area or Municipality:

Magnifica Comunità di Fiemme - Autonomous Province of Trento

Detailed description of the practice

Description of the practice:

Hotel Lagorai is a great accommodation plant for summer and winter tourism, located into Fiemme Valley (Autonomous Province of Trento - Italy. It is dotated. It has about 50 rooms, sauna, swimming pool and meeting room and from 2004 it's heated with a boiler fueled by wood chips, produced from local forestry company or sawmills that work with wood from local forests. The wood chip boiler has replaced the previously installed, supplied with diesel fuel. The boiler has a 400 kW thermal size and it was purchased with an initial investment of 300.000 € (200.000 € boiler and 100.000 € for adaptation of rooms and storage). Actually wood chip is purchased at a price of 30-32 €/MWh, Comparison of diesel that has a cost of 75-80 €/MWh. Annual consumption of wood chips is about 700-800 bulck cubic meter (170-200 tons) with a avarage water content of 40%. It means an annual management cost (supply of fuel and maintenance) reduced by about 40.000. Considering the initial investment and annual management of plant, it has paid of in 8-9 years, with a interest rate of 5%. NPV of investment at 20° year is calculated in 250.000 €.


Possible demonstrated results:

profitable investment in economic terms

Possible success factors:

Low cost of fuel supply with local wood chips

Difficulties encountered:

Initial investment

Lessons learnt from the practice:

Price of heat energy is lower compared to diesel fuel. By using wood chips hotel owners have a savings cost and a new factor of marketing.

Contact information:

Hotel Lagorai

Other possible interesting information



Images Information

source: http://www.bioenarea.eu