Call for strategic projects: 50 proposals preselected

Strategic topics

Following the administrative and qualitative assessment of the 300 Concept Notes submitted, 50 proposals have been preselected by the Joint Monitoring Committee and invited to present a Full Application Form.
As highlighted in the attached graphs, the overall performance of projects related to Priority 2 (“Promotion of environmental sustainability at the basin level”) is higher than for projects concerning Priority 1 (“Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories”): 24% of the Concept Notes presented for Priority 2 have been preselected against 11% for Priority 1. As a result, 30 projects for Priority 2 and 20 for Priority 1 have been invited to the second stage of the call.
The most successful topic is “solar energy”, with 17 projects selected out of 38 received (i.e. 45% success rate). It is followed by “waste treatment and recycling” (9 projects out of 32, i.e. 28%) and “sustainable tourism” (11 projects out of 94, i.e. 18%).
The total amount of ENPI contribution requested by the 50 Concept Notes is € 177.6 million while the budget of the call is € 75.6 million as increased following the allocation of additional funds to the Programme by the European Commission.
As seen in the attached graphs, 494 organisations are involved in the 50 preselected projects: 43% are coming from Mediterranean Partner Countries.
In order to provide the Applicants with all necessary information on the preparation of the Full Application Form, a training seminar delivered by JMA/JTS and RCBI took place in Rome on 21st December 2011. Around 100 people representing 50 organisations participated in the event.
The next step of the call for strategic projects includes the submission of the Full Application Form by 6th February 2012 with the objective of signing the first Grant Contracts this summer.
The Joint Managing Authority informs that a letter containing the outcomes of the assessment of Concept Notes have been sent by fax and email to all Applicants.
Call for strategic projects: outcomes of stage 1 
