SuSstation project at the IEECB international conference about energy efficiency in commercial buildings

The IEECB (Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings) has invited SuSstation (Sustainable Station)project to submit a paper to its Seventh International Conference taking place over the 18th and 19th April, 2012 in Frankfurt.

Accrington eco-station in the UK

The conference provides SuSstation with the opportunity to demonstrate how railway stations can contribute to making commercial buildings more sustainable. Through the four demonstration actions that form part of the SusStations project it will be possible to show how active and passive design features can be used to make railway stations more energy efficient and thus reduce their carbon footprint. For example, Accrington Eco Station used locally sourced materials and is using renewable energy from 40 solar panels to provide up to 40% of the buildings power requirement. Unlike many commercial buildings railway stations are open to all and can be used to visibly demonstrate good practice in energy management and conservation.
