Registration will be open until 28 September
We are pleased to announce a joint workshop organised by the 13 Transnational Programmes at the Open Days (European Week of Regions and Cities, 10-13 October 2011)
The aim of this workshop is twofold:
1) to show what Transnational Cooperation does and how this level of cooperation can address topics not covered by any level of governance;
2) to provide a platform for stakeholders to exchange views on the design of Transnational Cooperation beyond 2013 – potentially in the framework of the ‘EU 2020’ strategy.
Organisational details:
Workshop title: 13 programmes – 1 goal: To improve quality of life through transnational cooperation!
Date: 12/10/2011
Time: 11:15h-13:00h
Location: European Commission, Centre Borschette, Room 0D, Brussels, Belgium
Target audience:
- Decision makers in the EU, Member States and Regions
- Current and potential beneficiaries of ERDF funds
- Journalists working for European, national, regional and local media.
Register now!
The registration for individual participants at the OPEN DAYS is now open! Register online and find more details here