On 28th of December, 2010 the Joint Monitoring and Steering Committee (JMSC) of the Latvia–Lithuania Programme (Programme) agreed on proposal to make changes in the Programme.
It was proposed to shift EUR 7 million from Priority I to Priority II based on Article 33 of the General Regulation which allows to re-examine the operational programmes and, if necessary, to revise the reminder of the programme.
Also the JMSC has made a proposal to rearrange European Regional Development Fund’s (ERDF) co-financing and to shift it from national public funding to national private funding.
And lastly the Programme Document update regarding European Union Strategy for Baltic Sea Region was offered. Taking into consideration that coherence between policy documents and reference to actual Community policies in the Programme Document should be provided, reference to the European Union Strategy for Baltic Sea Region was provided in the Programme Document.
The Managing Authority and the Joint Technical Secretariat had communicated proposal to the European Commission and on 23rd of June, 2011 the decision was made. European Commission has approved proposed changes, thus Programme funding has been shifted between priorities and national private funding has been indicated in the Programme according to the Programme proposal.
Currently the assessment of the 172 submitted project application within the 4th Call for Proposals is in the process and decisions on projects will be made by the JMSC taking into account approved changes in the Programme at its meeting at the end of November 2011.
source: http://www.latlit.eu