On September 16-25, Tallinn is overtaken by the innovative design fans who are taking part of the European Innovation Festival IF... and Design Night both of which belong to the official programme of the European Capital of Culture Tallinn 2011. Within the span of 2 years, 6 cities organize the Innovation Festival – Barcelona, Milan, Kortrijk, Lisbon, Vilnius and Tallinn. These festivals emphasize innovation and user-friendly design, social inclusion, mobility, environmental awareness and the influence of technology on everyday life. People and their needs are in the centre of attention.
The programme of the sixth design festival is broad as is to be expected from a European Capital of Culture. The programme involves several conferences and workshops including InnoEstonia 2011 conference which is organized in cooperation with the innovation centre InnoEurope. The conference concentrates on innovations in the field of education. Furthermore, the conference Services of Tomorrow - What’s Next? is organized in cooperation with Tallinn University and Lahti University.
Even though the heart of the festival is located in the Rotermann quarter, several large museums and galleries are also involved in it.
A number of events take place in the urban environment – for example, the collapsible Latvian House Esclise will be put up onto the Rotermann Square. Plural Aesthetics of a Risk-based Society by Dominik Lejman will appear on the historical walls of Elevator. Gulliver Map is a huge map which will be installed onto the city square and all the citizens can mark their favourite places.
More about: http://www.disainioo.ee/en
source: http://www.creativemetropoles.eu