BSR InnoReg - BSR InnoReg Partner Meeting in Białowieża

Baltic Sea Region (BSR) InnoReg project aims to improve the strategic know-how of business development organisationsoperating outside metropolitan areas. The project helps business development organisations to develop their business and innovation support services for small and medium-sized enterprises.

The partner regions also develop and test concrete innovation support practices. These practices aim at promoting user-driven innovation, start-up support and involving students in innovation processes.

Furthermore, BSR InnoReg brings together local and regional decision-makers to discuss global economic challenges and agree on an Innovation Policy Memorandum. The Memorandum will guide innovation support activities especially in regions outside the metropolitan areas.

BSR InnoReg involves 18 partners from 6 Baltic Sea region countries. The partners represent local, regional and national authorities as well as science parks and technology centres.

The project is financed by the EU Baltic Sea Region Programme 2007-2013 that supports transnational cooperation in the Baltic Sea region