EnpiCBCMED: Call for strategic projects launched

The Joint Managing Authority is pleased to announce that the call for strategic projects is now officially open (determination N. 48/1066 of 05/05/2011).
€ 62,4 million are available for cross-border cooperation projects focusing on the six following topics under Programme Priorities 1 and 2.
Priority 1 (€ 37,44 million)
- Agro-food industry
- Sustainable tourism
- Integrated coastal zone management
Priority 2 (€ 24,96 million)
- Water management
- Waste treatment and recycling
- Solar energy
The Terms of Reference of each topic and main rules are detailed in the text of the call and in the Guidelines for Applicants.
The call for strategic projects is a two-stage procedure:
1. In a first instance Applicants shall submit a Concept Note
2. Only the projects preselected following the evaluation of the Concept Notes will be invited to submit a Full Application Form
The deadline for sending the Concept Notes is set on 14th July 2011.
See the Application Pack

source: http://www.enpicbcmed.eu