CAPRICE project’s results in Warsaw

The Public Transport Authority of Warsaw organized on the 15th of June a dissemination seminar presenting the results of the CAPRICE project in Warsaw. On the event, the good practices identified during the project were presented and the Polish translation of the Good Practice Guide was handed out to the participants. There was a special guest representing the Lead Partner of the CAPRICE project: Mr. Hans-Werner Franz, CEO of the Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH who showed a general presentation about his organization. Another special guest from the Eastern European Contact Point of the INTERREG IVC programme, Ms. Anna Stol introduced the participants into the programme details.

The numerous guests coming from different Polish transport authorities, Warsaw municipal institutions as well as from national level, had a chance to hear about different aspects of metropolitan public transport. Specialists from ZTM presented the knowledge they have gained during the thematic workshops in the CAPRICE project in different topics, for instance passenger information, contracts and tenders, planning or accessibility for passengers with reduced mobility.

The event closed up with a discussion about the possibility of implementation of the good practices identified in the CAPRICE project in Polish metropolitan areas. The participants received a copy of the CAPRICE Good Practice Guide translated into Polish that shall help them when undertaking any measures in the topics covered by CAPRICE.

- Click here for more information about that seminar (in Polish language only)
- Click here for more information on CAPRICE Good Practices
