Open Days Workshop "Added value and efficiency through the use of article 37.6 b and the EGTC,"

INTERACT is organising a workshop to show the results and concrete achievements of the pilot group on "Cooperation in Objectives 1 and 2" that was established at the end of 2010 and which has been running throughout 2011.

The establishment of the Pilot on "Cooperation in Objectives 1 and 2" proved to be very interesting for recipients who actively participated in the network and provided evidence of a fuller understanding of cooperation not limited to the framework of Objective 3. This was due to the framework of INTERACT activities carried out on the use of article 37.6 (b) of Regulation 1083/2006, the encouragement expressed by the European Territorial Commission in using the instrument of this article and of EGTC, the interest showed by a number of European regions wanting to implement closer cooperation and exchanges between the opportunities offered by the objectives of Cohesion Policy.

The panel will associate DG Regional Policy, INTERACT and several EU regions (both Objective 1 and 2), who will illustrate:

-         good examples that already existed

-          examples of new regions that tried to develop projects

-          the network that was formed

-          recommendations for the future implementation of the article in the 2014+

-          the links with EGTC

The final date and venue are now visible on the Open days website. The workshop will take place on Tuesday, 11 October 2011 from 11.15 to 13.00.
