Integrated Quality Management workshop in Málaga

The Andalusian Council of Chambers of Commerce organises an IQM (Integrated Quality Management) workshop in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce of Málaga. This event is part of the SHIFT project, aimed at proposing strategies for the promotion of a sustainable tourism in the Mediterranean, mainly through the development of an IQM model promoting a sustainable development in coastal areas of the Mediterranean.

Next 23rd June, the Chamber of Commerce of Málaga will host the workshop titled “How to extend the tourist season? with total quality and something else..." , directed by the renowned professor Domenec Biosca Vidal.

A wide attendance is expected, with the representation of all tourism sub-sectors in the province of Málaga, together with institutions and Chamber representatives. They will all have the chance to discuss about possible measures to improve quality management of the Mediterranean tourism supply, in order to reach higher levels of demand all year long and tackle the traditional seasonal consequences of the sun and beach tourism model.  

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