7th July 2011 - 09.00-13.05

Hosted by: 

AZRRI – Agency for Rural Development of Istria ltd. Pazin


Poreč 52440, Villa Polesini, Obala Maršala Tita 15, 2nd Floor


Due  to  its  geographical  and  climatic  characteristics,  and  rich  history  and culture,  the  South  East  Europe  region  has  very  long  tradition  of  meat processing and consuming of meat products. The European Union gives great importance  to  the production of  traditional products, because  it contributes to  sustainable  rural  development  which  is  one  of  the  objectives  of  the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).   Croatia has a large number of traditional meat products which could become a real export brand, in particularly trough tourism, if the following steps will be achieved: standardization of quality, increscent of production capacity and product protection. Some of the most important Croatian meat products are: Istarski  pršut,  Istarska  kobasica,  Kulen,  Kulenova  seka  etc.    The  main problems  that  is  Croatia  facing  within  the  subject  of  traditional  meat products  could  be  divided  into  three  categories:  technological  issues, marketing and veterinary/animal health.   The  Agency  for  Rural  Development  of  Istria  –  AZRRI,  as  a  partner  of TECH.FOOD Project, is organizing a Transnational Focus Group meeting which will  bring  together  SME’s,  researchers  and  public  administrators  from  the involved  area,  in  order  to  exchange  experience,  present  the  best practice solutions and to transfer the knowhow on the subject.  The TFG meeting will provide  a  unique  opportunity  for  SME’s  to  jointly  confront  the  issues  of traditional meat products.   The involved companies attending the TFG meeting are welcome to prepare a short (5 minutes) presentation including introduction and description of their main activities.

09.00 – 09.15  Registration   

09.15 – 09.30  Opening Lecture Milan Antolović | Administrative Department for Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting and Water Management of the Istrian County Graciano Prekalj | AZRRI – Agency for Rural Development of Istria   

09.30 – 09.45  Certification of meat products in Istrian County Blanka Sinčić Pulić | Administrative Department for Agriculture, Forestry, Hunting and Water Management of the Istrian County  09.45 – 10.00  Consumers habits for meat products Zoltan Lakner | TO BE CONFIRMED  

10.00 – 10.15  Comparison of technology of traditional sausage production with starter cultures Judit GasparikReichardt | Hungarian Meat Research Institute 

10.15 – 10.30  Tradition vs innovation: contradiction in terms or the right perspective? Davide Fava | DemoCenter Sipe  

10.30 – 10.45  Packaging of meat products Kovács Ágnes | Hungarian Meat Research Institute   10.45

10.45 – 11.30  Coffee break  & presentation of the products of the Association of Istrian Ham Producers 

11.30 – 11.45  Istrian Cattle products  Edmondo Šuran | AZRRI – Agencija za ruralni razvoj  

11.45 – 12.00  Austrian Center for meat research Wolfgang Wernert |TO BE CONFIRMED

12.00 – 13.15  Enterprises presentation  (5 min each)

Contact persons:   

Mr. Igor Jurčić        


tel: +385916196120  

Mrs. Jasenka Kapuralin  


tel: +385916196112

Location : Poreč - Croatia
Contact : Mr. Igor Jurčić:

