Second Meeting of the ETC post 2013

Working Group on Programme Management - 2-3 November, Amsterdam, Netherland(tbc)

INTERACT is organising the second meeting of ETC practitioners who are working on preparations for the next programming period - with a focus on programme management issues.

During this second meeting, INTERACT and participating programmes will review latest developments and activities, and will address new topics in relation to the themes of Strategic Programming, Implementation Tools and Legal Documents.

This meeting is foreseen to take place on 2-3 November in Amsterdam - the final date and venue, as well as agenda, will be communicated soon.

Participation is open to all members of the working group who expressed their interest in the INTERACT online survey of February 2011 and/or participated in the first meeting on 30-31 March 2011. In case your programme would like to jump in, please contact Polona Frumen, Katerina Staneva or Elise Blais (

For more information on the working group, please go to this page.
