Smart Coasts Site Visit in Swansea Bay


Professor David Kay, Aberystwyth University presented the ongoing work of the Smart Coasts=Sustainable Communities project in Swansea Bay to the Programme Monitoring Committee at their meeting, which took place on 16th June 2011.  Professor Kay followed up his presentation to the Committee with a site visit in Swansea Bay to further explain the research.

Aberystwyth University is partnered with University College Dublin on this strategic project.  The project aims to equip Irish and Welsh communities to maintain the economic and strategic value of near-shore waters to their economies by facilitating application of new real-time management systems to ensure no adverse loss of beach awards, such as blue flags, and the maintenance of public health.  This was suggested by WHO and allowed in (but not a regulatory requirement of) the 2006 Bathing Water Directive.

For further details, visit the Smart Coasts = Sustainable Communities project page.

